My Personal

Whole Food Plant-Based Resource Guide

It was a Monday night in October 2018. I was invited to a screening of a movie called Eating You Alive. I went out to eat to a then favorite neighbood joint. It turned out it was the last night I ate meat.

The screening that night changed my life. Based on that one screening, I woke up Tuesday and started a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle — lifestyle which I unreservedly and wholeheartedly encourage.

Tuesday night I watched the Forks Over Knives Movie. Wednesday night I watched the extended interviews of Forks Over Knives movie. Thursday I signed up for their online cooking course, at the time powered by Rouxbe from Vancouver BC. (Excellent!!! — But I do not know who or how their current cooking courses are powered.)

I upgraded my cookware. I learned to cook — without added oil. I changed my life. I lost weight.

Since that time I am generally WFPB. I do take "detours" or "go off road" from time to time with pizza and cheese. I try to do this as little as possible, and I always feel it afterwards. I draw a line at no meat and no fish. No dairy except the rare cheese on pizza. I don't cook with oil. It's rare that I buy processed foods.

(Yes, Oreos might be considered vegan, which allows no animal products but does allow oil, and sometimes lots of it, but it's very highly processed and a very long way from whole food.)

I recommend watching both of these movies. Forks Over Knives is the original. Eating You Alive never quite caught on the same way but it's still worth the watch.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a medical professional and I am not offering medical advice in any way. What I share on this page is based on my own experience, research, and investigation.


Forks Over Knives

Dr. McDougall

Whole Food Plant Based Cooking Show (rarely miss an episode)

Jane Esselstyn
(daughter of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn who pioneered heart disease reversal)

Yeung Man Cooking
(plant-based but not necessarily whole food)

Eat Plant Based